Herbivore huts

Observe the habits of herbivores in a house that recreates their natural environment

Barbary sheep hut

Barbary sheep live on the rugged crags of arid mountainous areas, where they enjoy ascending to the peaks, so we have recreated an environment that has high and low places. Watch as they clamber wildly up to the higher rocks. You can get close enough to smell them and to feel their breath, and you can even enjoy feeding them.

Chital hut

The chital lives among the forests and grassy areas of India. Get a close view of the chital pattern, which some say is the most beautiful of all. The comparative display of the Barbary sheep (bovine family) and the chital (deer family) will give you an understanding of the differences between herbivores.

Wallaby hut

The wallaby lives in Australia in wooded regions, rocky areas, and huge, semi-arid meadows. Wallabies excel at jumping, so we have included trees and other obstacles to demonstrate their incredible jumping ability.

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